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Online SMS System

Send SMS from your website

All sorts of business seek communication solutions to remain competitive in an increasingly technologically advancing world. Our web2SMS service enables you to send individual or bulk messages within seconds from your website to your customers’ mobile numbers with an integrated web2SMS application.

SMS Messaging Integration allows the ability to push relevant information to your customers or site users.

  • Example 1: Notify interested customers via an SMS message when a new product arrives.
  • Example 2: Update customers when their order is processed or ready.

What is in it for your business?

  • Reduces operational costs
  • Improves productivity and mobility of your business
  • Makes your business more accessible to customers and staff
  • Gains high reach reliably – ideal for time sensitive communications
  • Reduces communications spend
  • Simplifies group communications
  • Sets up automatic reminders, system alerts or notifications
  • Manages operations more efficiently
  • Tracks 2-way communications
  • Identifies trends and track sales leads
  • Regulates access and control your users
  • Provides easy integration using a broad range of system tools

Not to mention that SMS service is a highly practical service; it allows us to send bulletins to clients, communicate with business partners, for logistics, and for alerts and system messages.
It is highly reliable and developer friendly as it allows sending multiple messages all at once where receipt confirmation is supported, and stored for reporting. Moreover, it is cost efficient.

  • Customizable
  • Traceable
  • Consistency
  • User Freindly
  • Permission & Restrictions
  • Generating Reports
  • Responsive
  • Online & Offline
  • Secured
  • Notifications
  • Always up-to-date

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